NEWS: Funding Secured for New Naval Station Norfolk Internal Circulator

Finding Solutions

This project has always been about finding solutions and addressing mobility needs for our region. It isn’t just about the potential for building something new, but also improving and optimizing what we have today, especially for Naval Station personnel.  As the Naval Station Norfolk Transit Corridor Project continues to evolve as we enter 2022, the team would like to share a notable update that will directly benefit our region’s largest employer in the very close future.

Meeting Immediate Needs

Our Tier 2 Alternatives Evaluation revealed several key factors to consider for our project’s goals, but it also revealed other immediate needs for the existing HRT network and those that work at the Naval Station every day. Through our evaluation, it became apparent that Naval Station Norfolk could greatly benefit from an internal circulator exclusive to the base. Luckily, there was an opportunity to make this happen via DRPT’s innovative new funding program, TRIP.

The Transit Ridership Incentive Program (TRIP) is a new statewide grant program dedicated to improving transit’s regional connectivity in urban areas with a population in excess of 100,000 and reducing barriers to transit use by supporting low income and zero fare programming.  This new TRIP grant opportunity from DRPT is a great fit for the Internal Circulator initiative, as the program aims to support new services of regional importance and enhanced connectivity. So we helped made it happen. 

Key Funding Facts:

  • Virginia’s Commonwealth Transportation Board approved the award at their December meeting

  • The award covers three years of operating costs

  • HRT is aiming to begin service in summer/fall 2022

  • HRT will be procuring a dedicated turnkey operation, with the selected operator providing drivers and vehicles

  • HRT will work with Naval Station staff to identify stop locations and create an optimized internal route

Moving Forward:

The funding of the Naval Station’s new internal circulator system is an excellent example of how this project is already shaping the future of our region’s transit network.  Connecting citizens to jobs, stimulating our local businesses, and encouraging future transit-oriented development have been the backbone of our project since day one, so the project team will continue to not only address future needs, but seek out ways we can make an impact today.


Project Update - May 2022


Project Update: August 2021