Project Update - September 2020

As HRT continues to safely navigate COVID-19 for our passengers, operators, and staff, the Naval Station Norfolk Transit Corridor Project continues to make progress. After gathering and considering public input earlier in the year, the study team has completed an evaluation of initial “Tier 1” alternatives. 

  • The Tier 1 Alternatives were made up of potential corridor segments in three main connection areas of the project study area: Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk International Airport, and the east end of The Tide light rail. Both Light Rail Transit and Bus Rapid Transit technologies were evaluated. The 18 corridor segments were each given high, medium, or low scores for 12 evaluation criteria.  The best-scoring segments serving each of the main connection points were then selected for further evaluation in the next phase of analysis, Tier 2.

  • The Tier 2 alternatives include four full-corridor alignments that follow the selected Tier 1 corridor segments from either NSN Main Gate or Gate 4 in the north end of the corridor to either the Military Highway or Newtown Road Tide station.

  • Both Light Rail Transit and Bus Rapid Transit are in consideration for all 4 alignments. All Tier 2 alternatives include a connection to the airport and will include bus circulators to fully access the key employment centers at Naval Station Norfolk and Naval Support Activity.

The Tier 2 analysis is underway and will include more detailed analysis including cost estimates, projections of anticipated ridership, and proposed station locations. Look for updates on the Tier 2 analysis in the fall. You can read more in our Summer 2020 newsletter below.

If you have any questions about these materials or any other project-related concerns, please reach out to the project team.

If you would like to request an in-person or virtual project-overview presentation for your organization, please contact the project team. ‘


Project Update: August 2021


Public Open House Events - February 2020